Sexual wellbeing grows when we welcome our desires as completely natural, and
experience pleasure and fulfillment in ways that are respectful, safe, sustainable, and healthy.

Within an understanding free of shame or negativity, sex positive therapy sees all barriers as surmountable. Be gentle with yourself as you move forward. The fact is, we are all incredibly unique.
Our definition of sexuality may be very different than someone else’s, and that is perfectly ok.

Sexual wellbeing grows when we welcome our desires as completely natural, and experience pleasure and fulfillment in ways that are respectful, safe, sustainable, and healthy.

Within an understanding free of shame or negativity, sex positive therapy sees all barriers as surmountable. Be gentle with yourself as you move forward. The fact is, we are all incredibly unique. Our definition of sexuality may be very different than someone else’s, and that is perfectly ok.

Therapy.  Albuquerque Sex Therapy offers a safe, shame-free space to explore your sexuality and address concerns. Our sex-positive therapists empower individuals and couples to experience intimacy, pleasure, and fulfillment in healthy ways.

Individual Therapy
Relationship Therapy
Family Therapy

Sexual Medicine.  Albuquerque Sex Therapy offers personalized Sexual Medicine consultations to address a wide range of sexual health concerns for individuals. Our consultations take a holistic approach, considering both physical and emotional well-being to help you find solutions for a more fulfilling sex life.

Sexual Medicine Consultation
Perimenopause & Menopause Care

Coaching & Support.  Whether you want to explore your own sexuality, improve communication in your relationship, or navigate sexual topics with your children, our experienced coaches provide a safe and supportive space to achieve your goals.

Sexual Health Coaching
Services For Parents
Comprehensive Community Support Services (CCSS)

Problem Sexual Behavior.  Albuquerque Sex Therapy helps adolescents and emerging adults address unhealthy sexual behaviors. In a judgment-free environment, we work together to find solutions and build a sage and sustainable path forward.

Problem Sexual Behavior Therapy
Psychosexual Assessments
CCSS For Problem Sexual Behavior

Classes & Training. Albuquerque Sex Therapy offers informative classes and training programs for both individuals and professionals. Learn to navigate sexual topics with confidence.  All sessions are delivered virtually via Zoom.

Sexual Literacy Program
Clinical Internships
Virtual Trainings